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Writer's picture: Eric LundeEric Lunde

DAY 398,588 TO 418,494

Day 398,588 (January 18, CVD01, 4:44 PM CovST)

Aww come on man! There’s only so many days left to pin on the guy responsible for this hurry up and die we need to get these numbers up for the man of the hour the king of chaos the patriarch of paucity its about mortality this drawn to conclusion INTERVEN- The 30-year as (plus man who is Austra case, “ Trump tenced in Au e big one. Our prison without a victory!” of parole after rts dismissed to 92 counts of as the latest der and attem longest legal The report de ction Day, and sive travels b e four states he had almost cized Paxton. Interactions or Texans that New Zealan ars are being introverted an yet we mush on peculiar to our desert slushing through sand is memory hoarding what to remember is remembered what movie we is in unfamiliar sets facades of city brownstones with peculiar gestures of the residents named to what to remember to remember it doesn’t happen by itself these are things of that experience fixed as coordinates on the map that turns torus in the air away is n’t the importan t of our dense meat cannot touch what serves as memory the rank of meat is not important nor where we once touched

Day 401,128 (January 19, CVD01, 3:44 PM CovST)

There we go we did it no HE DID IT yes he set a new record for most killings in a year slaughter murder by neglect stupidity President Trump released a farewell address on Tuesday in his final full day in office as he attempts to cement his legacy, after the assault on the Capitol that followed weeks of his false claims about the election and after he became the first president in history to be impeached twice. Mr. Trump is scheduled to depart the White House at 8 a.m. on Wednesday. "We did what we came here to do, and so much more," Mr. Trump said.

Yep he aint done winning yet I had no idea he set out to kill so many people seems appropriate he opened up some markets Created a surplus of death which lowered deaths value and and made it cheaper more affordable for the surplus people to buy into these new markets of death see easy entry low terms low interest we are an ownership economy we own death

This is his fanfare his outro music is his own hair strings pulling away the light from anything he bares himself to going away he will have injuries he will not feel known the clocks will adapt time will remain in place flowed

Out away from remembering it will end no ear but a pause a hiccup an abrupt tear in the fabric no one will have the coordinates only a description yes sleep now for error arrives every minute we are solemn

Day 405,400 (January 20, CVD01, 3:44 PM CovST)

Residual a residue of the botchedness the taint of fuckedup all over the IRE air typing blank entries excess of deep state taste now the ugly banter will choke this thing into triviality -old gunman (plus manylian, was sen-case, “ Trump gust to life is big one. Our the possibility a victory!” pleading guilty rts dismissed terrorism, mur- g as the latest npted murder longest legal tails his exten- ction Day, and ut also shos e four states no meaningful cized Paxton. With people is or Texans that because he was ars are being d didn’t work. oh not like it isn’t already crowded into that

What else is there the terror of the trivial the violence of the banal there will always be the haunt we is the shade cast as little stones become the big offal of

What is cast out from the demos and made the lead that anchors

Line to fish out the ghosts and make them palatable to out tastes to stuff them in our mouths and let them rise in anger again the anger ghosties figments of our imagination that haunt our efforts every moment of effort and struggle we look for relief in the residue that is cast by our frustration

Is it gone no it will last through what ever promise we fabricate is nullified but the haunt of our prejudice our nursing our bible belt our monocles our not seeing through short sighted all we will sell tonight even this respite is a mere blip in the hardware of hate we construct for our loved ones to reside in haunting because the killer awoke before dawn he put his boots on because the killer he is drawn in wax on the floor of the oval he scores his image there in flame contract of killer he notches up the hundreds of thousands he killed they can’t vote no more no more is he left on marine 1 chopper blade rotor kill through the dawn what is left what haunts that house what keeps the echo going why its hubris misery who cannot be spared what cannot be stanched that is the shape that is always there what you cannot move or understand

Because it is and is not the murder of time over time

DAY 408,877 (January 21, CVD01, 3:48 PM CovST)

Attest to that is optimism be careful be careful it could falter over into bad optics already the armed guard was not for your protection but for your dominance according to we don’t report the news we write it don’t we don’t we all write through the world our own narrative when left to our own devices we report our side of the elephant I don t want to ruin your good time a respite before the return

Calm is but the wheel rolling through as dead pause before us wailing is our subtext our harmony of who will die

Is the roulette now is a gamble to attend in any way what see this is what happens when you put too many people in the same room it com presses into a critical mass finally we reach criticality we cascade into sparks of our own imagining why do we rehearse our dialogue our ideas our actions in the ash that is the anger we saw spread out before us we is elements who draw fire from each other

Day 412,780 (January 22, CVD01, 3:08 PM CovST)

413,583 (January 22, CVD01, 5:46 PM CovST)

The day SHH! WE IS TRYING TO KILL OURSELVES death by residue they didn’t have a plan acceptable deaths collateral damage soft targets capitalism is war on itself consumers buying into their targetness now the truth natures wetwork see nature hates you as much as republicans leave it all behind when the water recedes you see the bare skin of the earth the truth is it’s a struggle against all odds these particles are sentient microbes viruses all sentient to some degree they only need to add up enough algorithm to get the job done there must be enough meat in the world to carryout The Medea hypothesis is a term coined by paleontologist Peter Wardfor the anti-Gaian hypothesis that multicellular life, understood as a superorganism, is suicidal. In this view, microbial-triggered mass extinctions are attempts to return the Earth to the microbial-dominated state it has been for most of its history States have rok didn’t really explain any involvemence is reticent about his But evidences and ideological tend- Akinci base triure a hypothesis about some of the mo others like it encoun- the prosecutionnt household dysfunc- security camera distress. His anser firmed the preseonomic, but cultural. Defendants, inc the same traits that ing the corridoinctive- suspicion of carrying the weapon to authority, devotion taped conversight- make it hard for their intention of ern American society. To the governme Elegy” update the prosecution’s carty” thesis associated Some of the gist Oscar Lewi’s re_ cers testified abasants (and later with their superiors. Nihan’s ideas abou5 ants, Mr. Batmed applies it to disad-

the internet of things you is thing in that thing you are is the cough the ravage the pestilence that is human life but not always I mean all at once humans en masse as we reach criticality as we are mass interacting as nuclear we but individually each human is benign its when we’re packed into the same sphere that we reach criticality one self at time coming down the conveyor belt piecework a dial a day Same watch pattern in our skull gear things ticks away in unison sending synaptic signals between our skins accumulates into an electrical fire we short out our environment environment is us the previous administration was the midwife of death they assisted earth in our suiciding well done chief WELL DONE in 2016 we traveled to Cuba with an Atlas Obscura travel package this being in the waning days of Obama we went under the auspices of a person-to-person visa I think educational yes we were there to learn and so the night of November 8th we went to bed not knowing who won the election and when we woke up to get on the plane to Miami and found out that trump was president we flew out of Miami to Havana first time I flew with people who delivered a round of applause for the pilot when the plane landed we liked that and throughout the trip we were asked why why would have done that and we didn’t and we drank a lot of Havana Club rum and I bought two bottles for home and we drank one and as of right now I am preparing to open the second one to celebrate this respite in the war between the lumpenproletariat and sense and rationality but its not that special when you find out the worlds been drinking it all along Canada I embarrassed myself gushing over Havana Club 7 anos rum on canadian thanksgiving day and drinking only that in Switzerland but I will remind you this is a gift from past eric of that time knot and im grateful for it thanks Obama

Day 416,289 (January 23, CVD01, 4:32 PM CovST)

see I’m 60 turned 60 in June while the pandemic burned through ppe and people’s patience just as it was weaponized by the cuntservatives How much money is enough was that a question anyway I now have the grim reaper chasing me on two fronts age and my acquired conditions comorbidities and this virus introduced by breathing around asymptomatic people one enhances the other I guess in tandem is the grim reaping rides affords tourniquet loss of holding in place the line of succession who dies first it wasn’t initiated as a Chinese offensive no but as an opportunity by business to expand markets YES YOU SAID THAT comorbidities is an ugly cooperative between ugly 60 is odd it is not a gift it is a warning the bridge is out you are going too fast

I never much gave much thought to finances the well to do retirement wasn’t much on my radar I will not be starring in a commercial for some investment program STAND UP run out the clock circle the drain

Day 418,494 (January 24, CVD01, 2:29 PM CovST)

Covid has found its forever home worry is you first the plot of gaia to lure you in and kill you first because murder is at all levels of species stupid logic of colonizing the host and kill it wait we do that too man we is microbes on a

Larger scale changing the climate for litters of dollars

Currency is our stink our we mine the host for currency

Its suicide all the way down And while the bopeatedly denied the election- Van in the coup. Family’s voting habi produced at the encies- it did vent was considered how that family andt important of all tered such persiste. Videotape from tion and economics at the base con- wasn’t political or ence of some of the He suggests that oding some walk-make his people dis in fatigues and outsiders, resistances. Pilots in audio-to kin, eagerness to tions described them to thrive in mo delivering a blow essentially, “hillbillint, reinforcing the culture of povese. Ich the anthropolower-ranked offic- search on Mexican pout the actions of past goings away amount up to deletion it clicks on worthless finding it hard to pay attention only hear my click of my organism rubbing up against the rail whats it like on your side of the drain?



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