Day 567,654 to Day 572,192
Day 567,654 (APRIL 19th , CVD01, 6:29 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Once you go you cant come back and yet 1675 persons did the corpse and today 456 such persons returned to the daed land of not being a yes why THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND to be is to be watched to be viewed on to be the
private made public like legs and genitals are us on a screen that is everything is tv everything all the time we are to be watched we are viewed but not observed born to be seen to be born is to be seen to be watched oh ho lies holies flood of watch
like thatch thinking in thatches a part making of lies i must not be there for them making oneself available to lies is enabling the SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? for a soldier death he said it is sudden like birth but it comes with a prize brass in as lead is leading into what is attracted to you a bullet just wants to nest and
get to know your body. So many bullets a plague is of stupid on one phantom nation and undisciplined in another I mean what happened to intelligence from written source vetted truth versus unfettered lies is fiction lies until believed then belief is your untruth mostly you know how good you got it here historically speaking no one would put up with your crap and this nation i your benevolent baby sitter letting you tire yourself so you’ll got to bed rights of what where is the tyranny you speak that isn’t the tyranny you’re willing to inflict white guy I did enough I today rwit what persons I can back into life I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 568,413 (APRIL 20th , CVD01, 6:24 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
It is sad to see so many choose to return to the afterlife. Or NO these re new departures we can’t stop the trumpvirus from making its mark on humanity so there they dropped off lost we could not rwite them back to life…. THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND there is no such thing as bright money it is either dark or drab of shadow and muted tones a moss green that gathers\ on the north side of trees found in marshes and timbers in abandoned lots you receive no light from it, it illuminates nothing, nor is it smart money as it is, drab and camouflaged khaki currency army fungus it occupies the shadows in the rain waiting for a passerby to slip THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND I built a gun I built a gun in the shape of texas yeehaw yippy ki yay! yippy ki yo! yay!Yay!
and this gun manufactured its own bullets it didn’t bother to retrieve the bullets it had shot but left them there stranded
in the neighbor’s raw hide yee…haw! yippy ki yay! yippy ki yo!
yay!Yay! it made for strange bedfellows as they say my gun tucked warm betweennew mexico and lousiana armed as such i could make borders distractive who knows which would receive my gift? yippy ki yay! yippy ki yo! yay!Yay! every body welcomes a bullet it’s an unwritten chapter of the bible an inherent condition as it were we are the host for bullets. bullets are parasites yes but the relationship is symbiotic. and my Texas shaped gun is an incubator. yippy ki yay! yippy ki yo!
yay!Yay! bullets inhabit the body they are trying to get out… SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? we swim out we swim back this tide this treason of body and world yet how else what is treasonous we know where we are who when then escape or seclusion I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 569,341 (APRIL 21st , CVD01, 5:50 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Why does it smell like fear in your mouth? Is that ghost I smell or words words smell like ghosts they ring the mouth with a bluish stain ghost come to tally our humanity what words are going for these days the price of knowing and saying things to each other everybody out now now is not the time to spell THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND scan a field america is and television or
the agrarian right we are signals particles waiting for charge a sweep of now it is start with farm and i would have to walk out miles to discuss rumors with you i would forget by the time i arrive so i don’t i don’t leavei don’t depart i keep my discussions close i need nothing but armor of distance of what is far and incommunicable what cannot be expressed as the field is charged changed into a fluorescent a filament to glow through
you all between i send my concerns via cloud and it will dissipate taking them apart with what is rain to you now
america a furrow a field of miles apart from the center is not there is no single center there you are i see you in the agrarian a fog of which all of that light in our hands! green of when furrow of towards hoe that row of forward to the field is charged with the face now of the face of the now of that is not god no to tethers to strings to threads of worn but not in the field where that reminds SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? it is time we’ve lost what we gained no more to whittle away from the skin of the tree of life is wormed through with words
escape or seclusion I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 570,147 (APRIL 22th , CVD01, 6:12 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Christian pastor Johnny Enlow, who has described himself as a "prophet," claimed this week that former President D***** T**** was "anointed" by God and is working with angels to take down several billionaires who he claimed "really control" the world.
There what is control with money of for isn’t the former president also wealthy THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND millionaire a close approximation trumpvirus he infect wealth is india had 314,644 cases in one day and lies lies flourish as a virus is spread US had 62919 and we’re coming up short money is always a good compliment with disease it will be his word against money but he is money so money will win with the angels counting deep cash reserves why do angels have such deep pockets SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? as a flag maybe the furrows of dear blood there for what is not fought in a fever given the sudden jolt a signal of that floods the pasture
a resistance is a resistance was then came the drive of heat through the industrial circuit you time you manner your convenience and still i could not holler loud enough or long
enough for you to hear me hear you listening right at the point the point that swirl of sea into land the potomac sunk into the land of where you are not formed and neither america or americaless (and then and then! the old plough hoarse of his being the
garden of flower is said i mean he said america works best when it isn’t… then road off in a rolled out parts one leg at a time)
as we is a maid about the carrying of land towards a milk harbor safe as the salt we load on to the wagon of what is poetry than the panic of letters thrown at a haunt of words? words needing cadence. words needing rest. panic to find america someplace as lettered infinite is that we are not I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 571,091 (APRIL 23rd , CVD01, 6:12 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Back in hurricane day the New Orleans the Katrina a gothic swirl over the briny approach they were sores choking the shore there was people stranded in the swamps and on their roofs shooting into the air and choppers would move in an shoot into the general area where the shots were coming from and kill the shooter
Who was only trying to signal his position because heshe was stranded see what we don’t know and assume a person is deadly force always I don’t know its about the same no one story fully correlates with another person but they should have known SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? sleep it is for I’m pro sleep now is the highlight of my day to not do to not move in the thinking of your other we struggle with relativism because we aren’t used to it
Of the weight of person margin of being idle. Thoroughly separate in the roll of your not going anywhere why would you wake up well to relish the sleep you emerged from to recount the not you just experienced the negation of decisions of witnessing anymore the whole fucking busy world choking on its noise THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND we can do better can’t we I mean maybe the goal is not only that not one person dies of disEASE we can’t handle or contain but that not one person gets murdered by another which would require us to abandon our rage our murder our wholegunlivedlifeday as bullets move through out from our body nope we are awful I tried no one was there
I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow of course you won’t know this because I only post this on the internet once a week
And why do it anymore frequently maybe its time to wait a thousand years…
Day 571,883 (APRIL 24th , CVD01, 5:16 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Between two plagues ignorance and trumpvirus both are what are you gonna do? It is what it is isn’t it or I could list the daily infections in the social body dermis skin of the human gathering but what of it we need less choke more breathing THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND he said i miss the brand that we called men and man it is so often as not to the follow of wo… so femininale effemenate so this is the wave of the upper gone to him that is man as brand he worries about the brand MENtm oh yes that is white! the entrance to restrooms and les hommes as well for decoration of skin and bones there a collected bundle of hoses there the tug of meat on the born holder the seed sender the be-be bender
shot of they are tourniquet and ballast and by choke and hinge hold on the tight of leash and bearings toward on on to further north make them as they are announced
and with them pain pronounced! SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? ah, is enough we balance out for deaths in shootings and we are the murder kin and specie S is that all no there is a positive skeptic we enjoy as it anoints and does not subtract no one was there
I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow of course you won’t know this because I only post this on the internet once a week and I don’t feel you reading this now
Day 572,192 (APRIL 25th , CVD01, 4:30 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
The keynote speaker at a Minnesota county Republican Party’s event last month told members that George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police was “planned since 2016.” On March 27, New Zealand author Trevor Loudon addressed an audience of hundreds of members of the Wabasha County Republican Party at a dinner in a church, the Bemidji Pioneer reports. THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND I don’t like doing this like keeping track of peoples inane grievances as Americans seem to think they have it so bad these deplorables revel in their deplorableness no more this than that that’s what they embrace they work to be assholes for no reason then it’s their fidget their way to waste time they believe in belief the idea of belief not the act of believing SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? who would know now if I ceased reporting and see I’d give it up poetry is truth put to the test I’d like to think
I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow I mean next weeeek
Oh that’s right you wont be.
