DAY 555,243 TO Day 562,035

Day 555,243 (APRIL 5th , CVD01, 3:13pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
555,023 was my prediction for today, off by 220. Sorry about that. If only I had rwitten more today yesterday this might get worse I mean I’m running out of things to rwite about and dath will prevail yes if I can’t come to say rwod or so is an individual letter sufficient a scribble an asemic gouge in the wall of time that is my skin I remember as time. But at 6:27 pm we are at 555,378 round off to yes I’m off by 355 THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND someone on camera said its not natural to be alone and no I it is even as surrounded by crowds people you aren’t alone but you are you are singular but plural all at once you interact but you remain singular do you need to be in the social situations that have been constructed for you if for you but no a you like you an if you are there are you them Or me see you are amongst as you are not so it’s a piss poor rational for violating social distancing protocols in the middle of a pandemic so you can feel real in the shadow of others mirroring some principle you’ve formulated to make yourself you cloud you fog of noise to feel situated and alive and oh we need normality and socializing with risks risks the very act of socializing! Okay if this fucking pandemic thing surges again blame it on all the selfish temporary extroverts who just gotta be around other people to feel a live to confirm their existence see if your selfish act results in further spread and decimation of the population well that’s less numbers to the social you so treasure and well I suppose those aren’t the live you give a shit about anyway see we are rushing it and we’re probably fooling ourselves and heres the thing the one lesson we should have learned from this period was how not to rush how we can do less and still be alive and people are inventive and kept things going and we learned ways of doing things that worked and we didn’t have to rush why do we want to return to normal why were things so great normal made this possible in the first place. Strength in numbers only when you have them SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? we’re having an afterlife sale selling at cost a spirit you ghost are dollars as an am you are a was was not as always am been that much of gaseous self above floating i can talk to them going out to the heave ends of that aggregate where in concert of but acting independently a spirit is bottled up into the false bottom of your skin and you call that home for the ephemeral viscous fluid of yourtaunt wait wait here i got another offer two for one its always been yours you just didn’t know it is it is as infinite corruptible each man an infinity of corruption the trade in skin traffic in tears sadness of we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 556,428 (APRIL 6th , CVD01, 6:01pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
What do you call it when you leave things for people to find working in art is like pissing in a dark suit you get a nice warm feeling but nobody notices see I don’t like where the world is going gig economy and all and all that we we must include in it together apart same difference boygirls what we could have been without the artifice of human invention I mean those homed centered to power fixed to rafters the institutions of invented by man for what to provide a feeling and idea of control over no no we are too far down the road for a correction of that breadth it will be as spiraling out of control as always amplified and looping into the copies we spare of ourselves the haunt of our persons and some have more person than others don’t they THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND I imagine you repeating my name in drunken email posts reminding of what was is that our normal or now now is the normal we have habit for the city of ghosts is involved i mean long and complicated walk built to contain millions of
slender threads in employment haunting the weather waiting it isn’t the ghosts are already there paying rent in afterlife dollars the skeleton say of the dollar is rectangle with the skull affixed in the flourish framed in thosescrolls a femur of knee patella at the mark of its denomination
kicks a ghostly value they so easily fall apart thick of chicken bones reassembled that is the currency of death in the afterlife paid in flaked skin yes that is
leather HERE’S YOUR HOUSE START BURNING IT DOWN! walk to work slump in design of absence a vast spectral warehousing of the aggregate of species expired SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? they are coming for you for amiss they are spelling out the see I’m tired of rwiting this or rwiting anything in owrds you want not to be heard now under that radar I’m doing good no one reads this when I post it on the web look at the stats man so it will be a relief and I will seal my mouthhand against the wind we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 559,010 (APRIL 7th , CVD01, 6:01pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Some of us are just louder volume sure we occupy space as volumes but some of us are louder ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As a fence is a word going towards you then away a gap of how many words are like you that sound like you close the gap and let word wound more like word a tether a branch a knit
ain’t a man that ain’t before worth money is more than is your fire burning no one gets out we take it all leave n o thing to chance existence
scratch and burn your out by the month mouth of dollars you breathe through money teeth you so valuable honky man that’s someglint in the teeth we are weighted by fortune of the worth of our skin
cells that leave sells for below retail man are all dollars and marks and rubes and
s u c k e r s hopefully tomorrow there will be less of us missing the floating up away rapture of stasis standing still I can only do so much I rwite while I can stealth away from the moeny that watches we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 559,987 (APRIL 8th , CVD01, 5:04 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
I should look in an hour we’ll have crossed the 560,000 mark right
Last dose of the Pfizer vaccine back on Day 554,735 (APRIL 3rd I predicted 559,735 a bit off come up short its because I didn’t write enough two weeks till full immunity from something else will find us THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND its sympathetic magic all the way the associative imitating the actions the Law of Similarity…Law of Contact or Contagion. From the first of these principles, namely the Law of Similarity, the magician infers that he can produce any effect he desires merely by imitating it: from the second he infers that whatever he does to a material object will affect equally the person with whom the object was once in contact, whether it formed part of his body or not
that we associate with normality cargo cult of health pretend that things are the same imitating what we associate with that notion of normality we will never allow for truth will we we all think we have something important to do collective not that we are not a net but strands of errands with our talismans and fetishes pretend and re-enact construct the set for the reenactment of our normal
SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? im sorry it is ugly out
as a storm turns human in its dimensions hand over fist is them rattling anger of their left be hind be ing of all they needed was push to darken the door of every memory then this is their membrane an osmosis of time clocked in through fair amounts of cruelty they deprived of
from being so cruel makes it the know that we are easy beings predicted we to the turn into twist of our inevitable
pattern of cruelty tears are money let it rain I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 560,860 (est) (APRIL 9th , CVD01, 5:45 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Im going to give you something word of advice take off your clothes and put this gown on do you have a secret place to make ridicule out of messed up nest you’re pointing to the wrong doooooor THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND we will return to as we copy through the arc of our sweep through being time in time our own we will return to a copy of hate a copy of disease will return some reduplicate with
Improvements improvisations yes a new hate a new disease a new love even that that is a copy of the one from before we will hate change and not expect it but it didn’t change as it was copied from the previous of we having been I DON’T MIND CHANGE IT’S THE CHANGING BACK I HATE we will hate what benefits us we will be convinced to hate to accept dath
Again as a copy from is dath see it was always this way until you interfered so stop interfering SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? don’t worry they will make sex boring watched the naked off its often everything is video
watched as we are offered always to be real is to be watched
to be seen is to be herd to be found is to be alive
you must make your privacy public to confirm your being alive I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 561,733 (APRIL 10th , CVD01, 6:15 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
Brazil hit 4,247 daths in on Day 559,987 sao paulo is preparing plans for a “vertical cemetery” – a crypt with 26,000 drawer-like graves that can be built in 90 days once approved upside down vertical 26000 people telling Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to kiss their asses after he told Brazilians this week “there’s no use crying over spilled milk”, referring to Brazil’s soaring death toll no one is rwiting enough I can’t rwite for more than one country it aint going to be a profitable GDP is everyone is dead unless where authorities are working day and night to bury the dead, with experts warning that the country’s funeral services could be the next to topple well there goes another industry profiting from covid tired today of this I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
Day 562,035 (APRIL 11th , CVD01, 3:45 pm CovST)
(enters Suddhipanthaka) sweep clean sweep clean the floor mind ground
A lot can change in 15 minutes…. Seconds it is time body flux as it copies out its dust my life coach haunts me a mirror I am to him is as we row row row out dub sink in I heard the noise you don’t tell me we have velocity physical attributes position mass velocity the rest is pretending
THE GROUND IS CLEAN BUT NOT THE MIND You are a person as far as that person is a temporal construct. But simultaneously and contingently you are a physical entity with physical attributes of position mass velocity That is you as spatial construct which would be mute and lacking self reflection without the accident of self-consciousness. And that might be all you need to know. SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP, SWEEP…NEXT WORD? replacement theory of the white erace is voluntary it wants to fade into transparency of its disappearing skin it is our fate you are we is all shout of our transparency as seen through as
wrap is like of skin smudged of the wear a blur of speak in for your being public in your private of shouts to be is to be watched confirmed you transparent become wait night of seen right through your armature weight
is not your skin but your memory on view on the platform you persist I can only do so much we’ll pick up where we left off I will keep rwiting stay put i’ll be back tomorrow
next weeeek we’ll go there alright. Oh that’s right you wont be.
