Day 500,159 TO Day 513,065
Day 500,159 (February 22, CVD01, 5:38 PM CovST)
You know bodies aren’t efficient like they should be privatized organs should have to compete for marketshare self-reliant anatomy should be modeled on free market economics so covid is just shock therapy to motivate the market economy of the organ exchange a monopoly of the organism see covid is like a smart Milton Freidman virus that through shock profits from the body is it anyones fault that the body’s economy can’t adjust to the new market forecasts you can blame a virus from maximizing its profit Each time sars-cov-2 enters a new host cell it makes millions of copies of itself— and during this process typos, or mutations, can occur in its 30,000 letter genome (
There’s never a perfect copy is there copies of copies fail to copy perfect losing structural integrity so a copy of a copy of
a copy is less like the original and barely a copy at the end of the line that never ends as a line but a loop that never really ends a moebius strip all bends into turns and over a turn over until it never ends anyway we are all in the throes of a universe that is merely a reduplication machine copying out copies of copies yeah, I’ve said this before…
Day 502,449 (February 23, CVD01, 6:23 PM CovST)
First I dacted then redacted like this the trouble went under a black mark then under a sky that went black highlight stripe over I’m under the weight of this redaction and it dacted then redacted something about puppets that is soooo free market man we make that slang for cool or groooovy because man capitalism is soooo cool we make our bread in order to lie in it shallow and pointed at the ends is that heaven or a door 5oo,ooo now the half million mark so end to end would be a rail to Toledo ohio would be 650 miles whats a couple of caskets anyway close enough the virus is just a profit machine it’s a hostile take over `see nature is a neoliberal template
Day 504,775 (February 24, CVD01, 6:18 PM CovST)
Ace wand of shadowsnight we gain 3 minutes of sun a day we lose 2,000+ humans everyday engaged in low light activity waiting for deliverance we have organized quite the shadowplay shadows every night come closer to breathing for us shade drops a slow wipe across the screen next scene a crawl of credits we make the move with our fingers signal oxygen levels will talk us through narrate our passage out away we have managed to construct a machine of noise that crushes us out as the same copy in different rriverrs singing our shades out as shingles does
Day 507,957 (February 25, CVD01, 6:08 PM CovST)
7% vaccinated how to from a weigh off of lineage plume weighting gift of bloom gift of tourniquet would it burn upon entry cold freeze burn at -900 F something like that even
Earth isn’t that cold at the poles anymore the river that flows gulf stream has lost its motivation to warm Europe watch out for more frigid temps lashing out in the snow rain is cold in Athens that’s snowd you don’t see that on the olives grapes glass was installed to keep Aristotle akimbo and that’s how you move the disease into the correct climate make in comfy in the sorrel shouting warm rains warm rains humid moisture will curl up with your south shouting mouth
Day 510,983 (February 26, CVD01, 5:48 PM CovST)
"The flag goes with the foul landscape, and our jargon muffles the drum." Dum dum dum drum drum drum we is the sinking feeling moving in through has it always been this way yes for even Rimbaud wrote under duress of liberation “…Conscripts of good will, ours will be a ferocious philosophy; ignorant as to science, rabid for comfort; and let the rest of the world croak…” enslaved to freedom say we are free for a moment to choose between limited options isn’t much free we are not free to be not free we are not free to be free we thinks it is but it is splitting hairs there is both and neither maybe this maybe that "if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist"
and drown today as we march on in our leper pants the sea all ganges as it was a flood
Day 511,764 (February 27, CVD01, 4:08 PM CovST)
There you go back loop loop loop through as a shine is striped over a twists back the beginning is indistinguishable from the end taped together at both ends you’d slice into the tape take out what you didn’t want and tape the ends together and then there are the loops we live through all copy of yes made to order cover of over
Swatch lifting samples you have to decide on one or the other NOW
r-old gunman INTERVEN- lian, was senas (plus many gust to life in case,” Trump the possibility big one. OUR PLEADING GUILTY A VICTORY!” terrormis, murrts dismissed npted murder as the latest tails his exten-longest legal ut also show ction Day, and no meaningful four states with people incised Paxton. Because he wasor Texans that didn’t work. Ars are being weakened check check check in the lamp dawn wading through an honest man wave form tripped into disease he is falling into it it it it is written into your code it writes itself there is makes interven- was senas sound plausible in daylight
Day 513,065 (February 27, CVD01, 4:08 PM CovST)
2,000 is a lucky unlucky number it mounts fast built in your mouth resting waiting in the melt dark curtain light waiting waiting So I left. I didn’t read the reviews, they are always bad. But the ways they get under my skin! See, I don’t think you should want to be like them, nor them be like you…I don’t think being is an option here. Being anything at all. Why bother? We shouldn’t even be, let alone being. I represent the guild of the dissociative, we have no dog in this fight. Yet I can’t sleep at night worrying about my brand.