Day 486,106 TO Day 498,715
Day 486,106 (February 15, CVD01, 3:00 PM CovST)
Yep, Lindsey Graham is now fluffer-in-chief making sure Donny “the Wad” Trump stays hard in between shots in the MAGA porn movie as certainly the sexy camo cosplay orgy scene will be played over and over on each insurgents PornHub favorites yes that was an orgasm wasn’t it white
Partial lets pretend we’re soldiers and dress up sexy camo cosplay sexy patriot cosplay everything is arousing is a homo erotic if I’m gonna call it out a big orgy of white men all dressed up in their flag and camo lingerie grrrrr kitty grrrr a woo ga sounds horns lap it up honey we is making victory sex here it’s a porn movie for the die hard patriot because we can relive that like everything else yes in name only ad-hoc death by proxy sexy death cult lumpenproletariat porn for your information I don’t like children too many bones so then I’m supposed to be all linked into the world with these adjacent network apostrophes
That is we are born into social distancing no one need to kn ow what you re talking about you have an echo in your head you singing in unison social distancing works why do I want to share with other people my insignificance anyway non signifier
Of your life story is dreadful and why a story checked by
Social filters don’t fucking complain about your lack of privacy when you’re so goddamn public on the net they take your privacy from you and sell it back to you and you’re so busy hunting for confirmation of your existence you don’t even notice it isn’t real till its posted and viewed we live to be observed we now need to be seen never estimate our need to be seen but you my have a right to display to present but you have no right to be seen observed worry about your brand
Day 487,710 (February 16, CVD01, 6:23 PM CovST)
No you cant contribute biggest waste of time and productivity is the pursuit of gauging other people’s productivity wait that’s a random thought this isn’t why I am here I want to tell you I was willing to write this until the last patient was buried but no I think its time to reconsider effort
And ability endurance. This is just an exercise in endurance an endurance race with words making the rhythm of work being a pulse that rat a tat tats against the skull for awhile until fading into the nothing it all belongs is all held in trade for we trade some nothing for a little something for a day and then it fades out an exchange without function or foundation I have to, it seems, have to carefully consider what I can do at this time. I have to gauge things according to the “useful” metric: what I could be doing, but should I do this. What is the pay off? What is necessary? And more, how do I do anything without stressing the ecology? Is what I’m doing necessary? To do less yes to make this the something you exchange for man I like a blank piece of paper!
Day 490,062 (February 17, CVD01, 6:17 PM CovST)
Animals feel pain but are not conscious of the fact that they feel pain get it? Male polar bear kills female polar bear while trying to mate
Is prescient ? like someone whispered extinction in his ear or wrote it on his palm inevitable oh I’m sure there’s a base instinct to kill in the act something males stutter through their wire write of biology the will to kill is
There but what if it was preventative to I mean what if the bear knew sensed as animals sense storms and earthquakes an inevitable quake of the specie glass floor ringing out exhaustion spare the cub the pain of losing to human
As always as always being watched by humans waiting for the last bear to pretend delight but really it is all that sadness the same dreary sadness on faux ice floes rocks making life holes from each their stride through that sadness can be felt but not known yes, now you are a bear now you are an animal
DAY 492,760 (February 18, CVD01, 6:42 PM CovST)
Yesterday the 17th Rush Limbaugh died and some asked why it took so long and I guess he wasn’t in any rush was he only to get away from him we leave his ghost treading in the pool shadow of our planet he swims in the place where earth left him his corpse to be free condemned to freedom not free to be free (tip o’ the hat to Strawson there) all this interrelated ness of indra’s net closing as a string on a sack to close up our drown in the river he leads us there first then back to an America that never was is the sudden drop off into drown and we’re also paddling in his wake his stubborn refusal to assist enabled many to enjoy the same fate earlier without the attention of the misfit world he crafted…
Day 495,334 (February 19, CVD01, 5:13 PM CovST)
It is hard to disengage from this project????? Of one to a day each increment of deth a measure of a metric of the world clock tick this requiem for the Anthropocene e\ < epoch inch inching towards a half a million what where would these bodies go if laid out end to end or stacked would we climb to the moon on a stack of bodies and the politics see that frozen Texas eats itself alive will you please but BUT as I age out nearing the end of shelf life and lose my lose control over my my my wharts the word whats the word vehicle facility control over my critical what FACULTIES that’s it I lose words and maybe I should lose more and rid myself shed myself of them forgetting is
What better than remembering I let remembering is a malady for which forgetting is the cure (perec) words go I find it difficult to to retrieve words to articleate articulate ideas things as poetic and I want to disengage from this project but how how could I do that when its not over NOT OVER and wont be for ten years twenty ride out the sunset to be a child just nattering on while mother leads you through the bush it is winter the sun will set without a word why should I have any at my disposal
Day 497,439 (February 20, CVD01, 6:10 PM CovST)
We average 2000 deaths a day and this is a lull and lulls lapses limbo lulls lapses limbo is hanging there waiting for the swing to come back around and sling us forwards
One two quiet of expectation waiting lulls lapses limbo lapis lazuli if there were a jewel for that
For every death a different jewel an ore an element of some
Precious metal some precious gemstone made from the bodies
We would have a rich vein right in the sedimentary layers of a time that compresses into forgetting the elephant we all have a hand on in our blinded sitting for the portrait of human
Here, the national geographic gives us these stats: Roughly the same number of Americans flocked to the Woodstock music festival in New York in 1969 as have died of COVID-19. Losses to COVID-19 are about 25 percent greater than the U.S. military death toll in World War II. It would be like losing all the inhabitants of Atlanta, Georgia. If measured in the skies, 500,000 is a hundred times more than all the stars visible to the naked eye. A line of 500,000 caskets, laid end to end, would stretch for 645 miles. Those coffins would reach from New York City to Indianapolis.
Day 498,715 (February 21, CVD01, 4:30 PM CovST)
Covidium the piles of bodies we is 1285 away from achieving the half a million mark we is pressing down and compressing jewels made of covidium to adorn the flesh see it is us as oil future oil reserves fossilized goo in stratified layers coal first maybe the decay of the Anthropocene layer under becoming future fuel for but maybe descendants wont bother maybe we wont burn as layer it will be regarded as useless sludge that clogs up water ways an ooze of inert human activity trapped in sedimentary rock
Yes that’s our future not much better than ferns and dinosaurs…
