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Writer's picture: Eric LundeEric Lunde

DAY 464,768 TO Day 485,243

DAY 464,768 (February 8, CVD01, 5:44 PM CovST)

Is that florida singing its surge of mating gloom balls bells of florid floral flourishes in the shape of crown

Corona of flower to stem with the deth is in the game super bowl of what flower we are throwing your way is scented with fury a group endeavor a team effort TEAM COVID yes to marching in file towards an our mutually agreed demise all at once march on friends of disease

It isn’t over until its over over again I see it spelled out over the plain marching orders in unison sexy death wish hurtles part of the club part of the team hazing into the fraternity of deth wishers your own demise is a remarkable thing to own

Day 467,763 (February 9, CVD01, 5:56 PM CovST)

he road to extinction exthinktion exthinkshun Thinktion Is it? I mean the players will change but not the game. WHY IS THAT?

Futility Flutility Fatalism Fatal fetal Fatality

Fatalistic Michael H. Goldhaber sez: it felt like an expression of a world in which everyone is desperately seeking their own audience and fracturing reality in the process. I only see that accelerating. February 6th happy anniversary first US death from covid\ Michael H. Goldhaber sez: “not being able to share your encounters with anyone would soon become torture”. And see it is that the display of ourselves being being here sure its hard to live with covid but it’ll be harder to live without it we wont have our opportunity our solitude the gap of the great pause don’t worry you can share all you want sure you have a right to speak or write but you have no right to be heard herd impunity heard over breakfast no one will know

Privately very public a public privacy your display present presenting oneself to confirm our existence we need people to see us to confirm our being being present as we narrate our fable not our selves but the body is in the room describe the room to me try living without it the soul if there is a soul is a pencil line filament

Without light without darkness just the graphite rub in your gut writing down what words you need to infect HUMANS COULDN’T FIND THEIR WAY OUT OF A PAPER BAG FIGHT the dull graphite in your gut is you pretending to be spiritual tool see the fear isn’t that you’ll fall but that you’ll jump

Day 471,147 (February 10, CVD01, 6:07 PM CovST)

Begin the healing process...buffalo MN man shoots 5 people kills one at a clinic just exercising his right as a gun owner WE COME TO THE END because terror is boring so used to it but so tedious so exhausting so fatiguing oh everyone has covid fatigue but its not the covid it’s the terror the fear that exhausts and if it isn’t covid its other humans the potential for terror and should it ever become otherwise we shan’t know what to do with ourselves we don’t need terror but we sure make a lot of it the number one producers of terror in the world thus world the qualitative alphabetical code is not very well stocked. In fact it has hardly more than three element: A=excellent; B=less good; Z=hope-less (a Z movie). But thius doesn’t stop it being a code and superimposing a whole hierarchical system on on a sequence that is by definition inert. (GEORGES PEREC) THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS ONE AND EMPTY I serve the empty world alone why should we be here with our opinion oops! Everything is accidental an accident see it’s the failure to corroborate our truths our premises our ideas events see even it’s a matter of perspective anekanta both yes and no here we go the empty wins every time

Day 473,873 (February 11, CVD01, 2:39 PM CovST)


Many of the cases and deaths were avoidable. Instead of galvanizing the U.S. populace to fight the pandemic, President Trump publicly dismissed its threat (despite privately acknowledging it), discouraged action as infection spread, and eschewed international cooperation. His refusal to develop a national strategy worsened shortages of personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests. President Trump politicized mask-wearing and school reopenings and convened indoor events attended by thousands, where masks were discouraged and physical distancing was impossible.

IMPEACHMENT TRIAL DAY 3 Our president wants us here': Dems at impeachment trial show rioters saying they did it for Trump guilty of murder ? like that he is responsible for 473,873the butcher of mar a lago HE DID IT FOR THEM HE WANTS US TO DIE ants build bridges from the corpses of ants what will it take for you to stop building corpse bridges from policies policy of corpse bridges

? HE WANTS US TO DIE murderer he is not just some celebrity no he just wanted your attention theres nothing in there theres no content flaccid skin bag of

Tribal tribal nutbag dath is convenient and a growing industry I had ca-ca-cancer it was fucking great for months I got away with things work? I couldn’t do it because I had cancer I used cancer as cover it was a good time sure I lost a kidney I did not suffer the side effects of intense chemo-therapy it went well and what we life with living for is the stoop of our bunker counting down hiding from how does one live without cancer and now we are asked to live with covid ? is there room enough

Day 480,551 (February 12, CVD01, 6:23 PM CovST)


Day 483,648. (February 13, CVD01, 6:23 PM CovST)

Let’s pretend we’re wrestling reprobate shed language we ain’t Bhutan you see How has Bhutan—a tiny, poor nation best known for its guiding policy of Gross National Happiness, which balances economic development with environmental conservation and cultural values—managed such a feat? They controlled the pandemic all that thar blustering about the dance of the politic devil in that moon light waning through America that never existed didn’t put dent into our numbers no we kilt 433,648 cause we cant be seen being weak caring for they escaped the pandemic of ignorance that accompanied our pandemic that made our pandemic possible if not the greatest pandemic in the world reprobate shed language English is don’tKnowwhyIdothisanymore there isn’t anything left to journal Or quantify. Now even writing is a plague the sign of a plague of This is its own affliction write through it no some therapeutic to mirror up writing your sad said increments emote through it cry money is crying and writing is a symptom

Day 485,243 (February 14, CVD01, 5:33 PM CovST)

Meet Lindsay Graham, fluffer for trump on the maga porn movie set….

Ah. I hate the politic Life is filled with holes infuriation is burdensome Johnny's laying there sure that was the plan, his sperm coffin Angel looks down at him and says, I’m getting off that train…yes see when you lose the will to live you gain to the will to write , “Oh, pretty boy. Can't you show me nothing but surrender?” end of expression just scrawl and scribble graffiti printed on bolts of muslin GO RIMBAUD! Do the watusi there in your phenomenal passage the walls breaking against the frigid breath

Oh its like minus fucking six degrees Fahrenheit in numberers is -06

And your breath is solidifies and words turn crystal words breaking in mid air streaming out leaving contrails in the air your shout is broken by the cold then amplified as dry word air out from out of reach cold is real material for the word making breath



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