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Writer's picture: Eric LundeEric Lunde

DAY 283,568 TO Day 298,747

DAY 283,568 (December 7, 2020 6:20 PM CST)

Russian roulette out here take my hands away from my head HANDS UP DON’T SHOUT bleak lives matter silence is its own reward

Moving from the endless drone cumulus cloud of noise we drive into like a cognitive drive falling into clouds writhing with the moisture of the damned particulate of its these goes without saying a right to breath a rite to breathe there without LOOK your president wasn’t playing 3D chess who was playing 52 card pick-up WHERE’S MY PANDA ON- President was the first wrip’s government during a major thorized Presi-and Ivereigh sa Biden to begin our inland correspondent: The true measure of a fascist’s leadership is that the followers don’t see they are their own problem. “we don’t care about the tweets, we’re about his policy.” Hundreds of thousands dead because your daddy lied to keep us “strong?” Congrats, you are the militia you wish to overthrow! a as a response tion after Michi-virus and the Biden as its win-Francis, the pagn that the presi-an unpreceden h bid to overturn nity to imagine sults was coming more socially implied the cut of time time is copied a and expanding diminishing across as it is copied you are the same fresh meat but less

Day 285,779 (December 8, 2020 5:29 PM CST)

Fear! This is Americas damned it! If you aint fearful you unpatriotic! Fear is that bag you choke around in and it isn’t always fear dread dread=fear? Dread angry loath despise the ever menace meant to be the flower of repressssion

For what what is won Her a winner or a to induce dread in a el D. Cohen, Mr. only invoke two acron lawyer and fixer, along with a third and erview last week. J.F.K.—these were condary. It is all alphabet soup of co on.” More than half a cent who was convicted But. You don’t have evasion and who tions and schemes do me a vocal critic of The 2017 Errol Morris provided several “Wormwood,” to wh recent book “Dis-Love Story” is a seq r.” detal about the C.I.A. recounted how, in that the cloak-and-dags preparing a poll the hallucinogenic dru fluential people in most might have gues Trump, who ini- jones for the crucial shock Morten Friedman doubled over in the men’s stall and licked the floor for the capital he dropped on the floor fixing that spoon was terror in his hand heat the flame bitter and salty with objectivism YOU ARE LITTLE PEOPLE MAKE WAY

DAY 288,716 (December 9, 2020 6:07 PM CST)

I dreamt last n ight ths at my cats were chasing a brown moth around the piano window in the day time is it stoic Aurelius i heard I read that it was agreeable to accept one’s role in the play in the system the machine what is that role is it fluid and sticky there or just stuck as is fighting maybe to be the spoil the sinister brother or evewn the quiet of Then, in the midst of his “vaccine summit,” Trump suggested that if enough people die from COVID-19, we won’t need vaccines at all. Can’t fight stupid jack it just jerks through the foxholes ((see I thought of death as okay I wouldn’t expect death to be spectacular lower your expectations it s less than you’d expect everything becomes flat blistered paint what you see most last to you lose depth a sense of depth and everything appears to be a flat surface with blistered cracks old paint and then you )) DROP OFF what the fuck are your freedoms Delighted,” said in his twee Ertl, a vaccine had told his o Vistar Institute “initial proto- “What it tells the handoff to can be beaten though his ann. Here I’ll give you conspiracy this thing eats tears out fear is off ambling in design gunning is absolved of your fink bones selling out to the selling off to the bidder highest bidder is jonesing for his money itch in the back as shock sets in “You are PARANOIAC, one need loser.” Michyms: CIA and LSD. Trump’s forra fourt—UFO and said in an icy ingredients in the “Reality is nspiracy theory for about percepery. Mr. Cohen to be a paranoiac, be- in 2018 of a tad-inducing combina- has since bec yield horrific results. the preseiden-directed mini-series, examples in bch “My Psychedlic loyal: a memel of sorts, went into Mr. Cohen and LSD. It showed 2014, CNBC v ger organization and of the 25 most g met up earlier than the worl. Msed. change this frequency move this block In his twee delighted,” said had told his o Ertl, a vaccine “initial proto Vistar Institute the handoff to. “What it tells best interest can be beaten this will not end with immunity so money will pass for virtue HARM TO ONGOING MATTER is okay is me talking now so put your phone down okay so im walking in the cold bright of an off season weather pattern and man you know the chance that things could just drop off and you think well what was important isn’t and what isn’t important is and then you realize it is no more this than that really right neither important nor unimportant (affirmation) (negation) (both) (neither)

Day 292,034 (December 10, 2020 6:07 PM CST)

3318 IN 24 HOURS LIKE SOME SORT OF LAND SPEED RECORD HUH? December 09 2020 Trump and his cuntservative sycophants surpassed 3,000 covid deaths (3,318) which now makes Trump and company the greatest mass murderers in US history having now killed more people in one day than Osama Bin Laden on 9/11/2000 (2,650) We are so tired of winning…. Die for him them ALL what did he say in religion the saint dies for you in fascism you die for the “saint” behavior personality even when there is none DOMESTIC TERRORISM BIO WARFARE I am circling the drain you on board with that? Death is patriotic you die for the honor of cuntry and flag yes 3318 are now patriots Donald as the criminal liability a dangerous standing his pandemic, when he leaves management the country straining to emma. Demand. This is your role in this movie HARM TO ONGOING MATTER please be brief cómo se dice "cómo se dice?" how do you say virus in virus whats the virus word for virus can it describe itself in its language maybe only viruses are capable of such self-awareness to refer to themselves in the lethal sentence

Chain of network of viral word channels you thick sinker mouths of mon ths moths keeping flame to their wings there Her a winner or a PARANOIAC, one need el D. Cohen, Mryms: C.I.A. and LSD. R lawyer and fixer a fourth- U.F.O. and erview last weekey ingredients in the condary. It is allnspiracy theory for on.” Iry. Who was convicted to be a paranoiac, be- evasion and cam-d-inducing combina-violations and who yield horrific results. me a vocal critic o-directed mini-series, provided severach “My Psychedelic recent book, “Disel of sorts, went into r.” and LSD. It showed recounted how, ingger organization and as preparing a polg met up earlier than Trump, who inised. Where is r going to the room slip of tongue we reach for calmatives addicted to withdrawal addicted to fever addicted to words addicted to virus is all the virus wants then to you use the word in for virus misspelled

Day 293,785 (December 11, 2020 3:21 PM CST)

America is a virus colony look the first wave promotes the conditions required for the next virus More in a minute first this message I GOT ULTRA-RARE REGENERON TO CURE MY COVID, RUDY GIULIANI SAYS - AFTER ADMITTING HE GOT BETTER TREATMENT BECAUSE HE IS 'A CELEBRITY' that is debatable on being a celebrity but see he’s from the herd immunity camp right so following the selection-bias the cherry-picking of the Christian cuntservative of Darwinism to thin the herd the herd must rid itself of the weak and infirm the elderly and well he fits that profile so wouldn’t it have been more appropriate that he die I mean in keeping with the formula right like his getting treatment robbed some more deserving specimen of a better if not life itself so why didn’t we let Rudy Giuliani die? I’m not asking if deserves to die but in what manner is he more deserving that level of treatment given his natural condition I mean see this is the argument they are proposing for someone like me that its FUCKING OKAY I DIE SO SOME FUCK DOUCHEBAG LIKE GIULIANI CAN LIVE no not just me but your precious grandma you yourself your brothersisterfriend etc see its FUCKED we return to our program already in progress the virus caper the Dakota caper “You are eit TO INDUCE DREAD IN A loser,” Micha only invoke two acron Trump’s forme Along with a third and said in an int J.F.K.—these were k “Reality is se alphabet soup of co about percepti more than half a cent Mr. Cohen, But. You don’t havein 2018 of tax cause sometimes drea paign finance tions and schemes do has since beco The 2017 Errok Morris the president, “Wormwood,” to wh examples in his Love Story” is a seq loyal: A Memo detail about the CIA Mr. Cohen that the cloak-and-dag 2014, CNBC wa the hallucinogenic dru of the 25 most I most might have gue the world. Mr

Harley-davidson agent of waking up in the boothill dream of badlands well enough well water wall drug sells you get your fix on route sicktysicks out there in the dark black hills of loss of light spread viruses are hot sexy mess homo of biker niche getting the virus on thick is so sexy virus addict fix see it’s the virus running things it gets into the brainstem through the nerve and runs the human man machine like a bulldozer a light pantywaist motorcyclist Nancy boy so afraid of is own nuts like right because virus is sexy addict fun transmission like loaded death bullets shoved up your ass by the suggestions of the virus stuck in your brain stem directing things see the working in tandem the first wave recommends stupid as a ground okay like ignorance get rid of the science head first so no body is wise to it okay you’ve always been a virus so your susceptible don’t be so surprised its not that viruses are that smart they don’t have to be it don’t take that much to convince or trick the human ALRIGHT SO they final virus the one that is superior requires a clear field a platform cleaned of intelligence so the first wave stages its erasure as a political event and gets the damned dumbest viral container elected this fuck get dumb down fast they think he’s playing 3d chess but he’s playing 52 card pick-up alright so under the influence of the worker virus the environment the conditions required for the queen virus to thrive stupidity ignorance hostility aggression all these animal basics to the human no fucking animal would resort to this bullshit then the queen virus comes in and takes over running the whole fucking show into the ground exhausts all the tape copies nothing for a man to hold on to we disappear as the forest yard feast for the virus running me as a pilot it is psychic driving the organisms into profound stasis and it can gorge freely on the synaptic mess

DAY 297,501 (December 12, 2020 4:19 PM CST)

See at work im a proxy bitch for the administration like say a canary playing Russian roulette for the beancounter in remote seclusion and THAT’S 3716 DEAD THE TERROSIT TRUMP HAS KILLED MORE PEOPLE IN ONE DAY THAN HE DID YESTERDAY HE’S BREAKING HIS OWN DEATH SPEED RECORD death by negligence he thought I said negligée covid is sexy talk disease is loud virus is noise 2021 Arizona Renaissance Festival canceled because of COVID-19 is it our new dark ages in 2124 the grand opening of endtimes faire the celebration of life death in 2020 with samples of water and air from the before times when no one was born under the demands of the virus running the show a respite and a reminder of how things was there was the squabbles over reality tent q shaped crackers white and flaky I SPEAK CANARY the tubulated the afflicted

Run bed lamp races in the joist patch of motorcycles normal reserved for living kills proud boys attire alex jones feces spectators are selected to catch the virus in an opening ritual

Dress up in Proud Boys, a male-chauvinist organization with ties to white nationalism In helmets and bulletproof vests, hundreds of men in their ranks marched through downtown in militarylike rows, shouting “Move out” and “1776!” the my pillow pillow bits contest In his twee “2020 will be had told his oor the many “initial proto COVID -19, the handoff to the US elec- best interest could now be though his annst.” He added lowed weeks way to stop vert a free ans tracks is hav- with false claimective and safe Murphy’s on be deployed no one can move without botulism the new dark ages have a silhouette a movie review looking good for the covid cams in the twilight they burn the small model of the US capital and engage in the dark infection orgy rubbing all bodily fluids and breathing real close in a trump rally reenactment running through the woods in celebration of freedom as the amass more covid to themselves like rain like coins like cinders

Day 298,747 December 13, 2020 5:08 PM CST

I mean jesus if grampa orange flavored ill douche hadn’t killed 232,447 he might have won the election MY SAFE WORD IS “I QUIT” been in this stress position to long my chest hurts heaving panic THAT BORING GOT STORY FAST fear of fear is our motto long live death chant of the republican party He said that Trump did n remembered f vowed to persi lives lost from change the vote lockdowns and far provided fruit tion. Science slon Twitter that added to this li decision by E that “the only administrator COVID-19 in its Services Adming multiple eff allow a transit

see to be cuntservative you have no foresight only short term gains no matter the cost so a few thousand voters don’t matter consumers are bought all the time human is capital even as dead figures shock and awe baby its that operation I QUIT masks censure the face your identifier you think you know but only others confirm so maybe its okay its blacked out less see that equalizes we are all non persons enjoy

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