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Writer's picture: Eric LundeEric Lunde

Updated: Dec 6, 2020

DAY 219,676 TO DAY 225,111

DAY 219,676 (October 18, 2020 4:25 PM CST)

Herd is community of cattle yes you so independent of thinkers being the conceit of human is we or isn’t human or cattle I aint no sheeple I think for myself he say while itching his scalp under his maga hat detail of buy your identity think for the self you bought at wal*mart or the rally yes you ain’t no herd so see I’m immune from the herd I’d like to think is it should be a human I am un man or the not of being you can play cattle chance at it yes sheepdip even gets into yur skin but no hold up your hands extend your fingers there will be this many deaths even then you aren’t immune to that my pillow suffocation as comfort erotic game of death auto erotic asphyxiation aint about cars Autassassinophilia an arranged carnival of sexualized contagion yes you are the center of attention…..

Day 220,079 (October 19, 2020, 6:38 PM CST)

Stuplimity reigns DR. STANDARDHATE OR HOW I STOPPED WORRYING AND STARTED LOVING THE VIRUS is this as metaphor as a whisper from to and not heard as absorbed in breathing lining of planting the harvest of death is not a universe that hates or despises doesn’t care but a human construct that must charge admission punish in neglect human standards are broken into herd dynamics I CAN’T BREATHE controlled

Birthing then is pro life but lived life is expendable give them the chance to infect the world with their smile their infectious grin then GO TO CAMERA THREE they drop their guard and find their value is less as human capital is

Scaled who is smiling now FADE TO BLACK

DAY 220,609 (October 20, 2020 12:39 PM CST)

Snoweverythingover indicates offkilter out of balance climate does its always there but changes in a wind warming first here then premature Weather patterns in name alone you have to go there THIS SYMPHOROPHILIAC ORGY OF AUTASSASSINOPHILIAC ORGY OF TERROR indifference then but you have to think of the world the whole social as its own organism you are just idle post there a relay of a molecular construct right in the whole not as part so little are you but then in chain of network say as web as INDRAS NET if this exists, that exists; if this ceases to exist, that also ceases to exist but endless terror endless daily terror you wake and take temperature not core temp no but oral under the tongue 98.6 F is passable or less then spray something into air and sniff smell? Smells good? And then taste something then eat tasting knowing taste and then out into the world cross your fingers cross them out x’s of x’ed out hope not to be aroused by the virus and participate in the orgy TRUTH. FACTS. REALITY. ALL USED TO BE THE ORGANIC CENSURE OF LIES AND NOW WE DON’T EVEN HAVE THAT DO WE its terrorism its red state terrorism isn’t it a bio-weapon for what purpose when there is none but what snakehandlers and glossolalia would guide us to their christ believe end of days FADE AUDIO ROLL CREDITS eschatology-is-them ESCHATON eschatolophilia we is doomed now to be the history we was (“Que sçay-je?”) we have introduced ourselves to death as play or similar erotic factory disease is sexy and sex sells ignore it and it will go away refuse the name it will disappear plague of idiocy

Dumb is sexy

Day 221,862 (October 21, 2020)

art now should evaporate as soon as it leaves me hand it just goes on and on and on drones on this death is in hearing range and our safe word is I can’t breathe HARM TO ON GOING MATTER

Day 222,940

No matter ???? nothing less is this the over of all near contact of contracting I’m used to smaller

As the world contracts into its puckered face sucking down into its hollow middle collapse maybe get used to it HAVE A CUP OF TEA (insert circle here) it is and is not

No more this than that I can relax now

Day 223,752 (October 23, 2020, 4:45 PM CST)

Here is the brain trust Sara palin in 2012 as she apparently represents an ideology that truly cares for living human beings:

The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s “death panel” so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their “level of productivity in society,” whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.

It sure is that as one human capital to another less so as she is a brand there I WORRY ABOUT MY BRAND abortion after the fact death panel by proxy is disease here now the pro-life ain’t so supportive of personal identity over time a living person adult everything is in the way of our DYSTOPIA

Move towards PERFECT MARKET THOUGHT the marketplace of ideas is bankrupt the neoliberal ideology operates as a virus finding a host and challenging its health SEE NO ONE HAS TO TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THOSE DECISIONS who lives and dies is without human intervention cleans up the the culling is calming HOW I STOPPED WORRYING AND LEARNED TO LOVE THE VIRUS hostile takeover in the marketplace of ideas inflation in the marketplace of ideas you cannot predicate thought as an economic indicator economics is the product of thought, thought is not a product of economics and is not subject to economic laws and well I guess so what right I mean its arbitrary enough that nothing stops us from doing this….

Day 224,720

You smell like rain the mind plays tricks on you LOSS OF OLFACTORY FUNCTIONSyou smell like rain as rain can be the haunt of the dreary dearie this is history yes this is what history feels like everything you called history was mere folly reststops every cultural component had an moment they would refer to as historic and no on recalls that now but

You murder through neglect 200,000 + human beings through neglect yes well that’s historic the historic is absence the historic is what is subtracted because you can’t gain it back and you stumble A relation of cruel optimism exists when something you desire is actually an obstacle to your flourishing. What about my freedom not to participate People have remained attached to unachievable fantasies of the good life—with its promises of upward mobility, job security, political and social equality, and durable intimacy—despite evidence that liberal-capitalist societies can no longer be counted on to provide opportunities for individuals to make their lives “add up to something.” GO TO COUNTDOWN They hold out for they place a ring a gold ring of the optimism it will go away it will disappear HARM TO ONGOING MATTER and it is this this optimism that kills that promises narrative without a basis in reality and we escape to that that is enough WE ARE ROUNDING THE CURVE as we round the square and call it a circle and how many curves are there anyway its not a race track its weapons now a domestic bio weapon history is full of surprises that are not surprises and dreary as the arrive and stay and become routine

Day 225,111 (October 25, 2020, 3:38 pm cst)

That's all I hear about now. Turn on the TV, 'Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid. this is your president speaking if mem0ry serves serves to remind one of one’s self time selftime is that continuity memory provides and then last year I was in Switzerland performing at the Lausanne Underground Film Festival thank you it was not America it was the free state of Art that delirious passion of not being from somewhere yes drinking art as epidemic a contagion and now is history middle ages of sores and humors bloodletting will follow see this is in history then they shelter in a secluded villa just outside Florence in order to escape the Black Death, which was afflicting the city the secret nation of art its funny because its never been dependent on the lands and the ends of commerce and now we is secret oafs plugging the nickel of our breaths in the furrows of our land kept art secret in privilege OH NO YOU CAN’T DO THAT

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