Day 231,448 TO Day 237,488
Day 231,448 (November 2, 2020 6:18 CST)
Its hate week we have hats fire of flags inflaming the air around cars and big trucks of intimidating ostentatiousness
The room of the tread equals the room for dread scared no just bored these are not exciting times nor exacting close enough will get you you know its always been like that hasn’t it
But now you expect more we move in group herd fluid you ain’t is until you be us us as always the drain on im thinking maybe groups are suffocating we need others to ricochet ourselves about in our reflecting of them in us to be them that you is that I that echoes the us you swim in drown of choke into belief say that is a naughty rhythm! If it ended would you miss it does this knowledge benefit us no more this than that that’s the human bond how little its hands are grasping dumb luck is unwavering in the swim get your hate on tomorrow is election day wait for burn to cross the flag acre untied we stain the floor boards of our
Day whatever okay 232,447 (November 3, 2020 6:38 PM)
Boris has just given me a summary of his views. He is a weather prophet. The weather will continue bad, he says. There will be more calamities, more death, more despair. Not the slightest indication of a change anywhere. The cancer of time is eating us away. Our heroes have killed themselves, or are killing themselves. The hero, then, is not Time, but Timelessness. We must get in step, a lock step, toward the prison of death. There is no escape. The weather will not change.”
Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer is election day on the third panel of the The Haywain Triptych fire is flag flag is fire we is born in the arsehole of the fear bearing sea I DON’T WANT TO BE SO GONE NEGATIVE I don’t want a civil war but it will be uncivil wont it we is whelped to breed our instance of bleed blood to bleed free out from our lungs crowded with fear wager of anger in the midst of a dome world where Bruegel yawns and Bosch retreats
how then how many of these dead voted for their representatives as ghost is formed of being in these these ghastly times ghast ghost guest host burn to the flag you are stretched into
Are crowds preferred? Or why?
Now that we have been pried away from each other can we learn to fend for ourselves was that a lie or were crowds our dependence on others the need for company as what comfort or confined confirms I thought it was you NAIL because I think crowds are poisonous affairs and we are crowded lonelys “We live as we dream - alone. While the dream disappears, the life continues painfully.”― Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness is that shared experienced what its cracked up to be I meannnnnn we assume a loss of contact is disequilibrium on out part but isn’t there the delirium that only crowds suggest that crowds can obtain only that we always tread a tight line between paucity and surplus of any such situation that having and not having are somewhat equally true equally undesirable ... No, it is impossible; it is impossible to convey the life-sensation of any given epoch of one’s existence—that which makes its truth, its meaning—its subtle and penetrating essence. It is impossible. We live, as we dream—alone....” I mean its like you must have both absence and presence between us as they both negate each other crowds are our happenstance a coincidence for the most part the accident of our being together but yet it becomes the source of our delirium as we feedback into further amplified beliefs beliefs amplified by our fervor of the nerves pushing electric signals into each others nerve we don’t need and yet need each other it is heart of darkness heat of darkness itself is a hot absence in the mouth of history we bend into the void and hold our breath before release phhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Good luck tonight
Day 233,596 (November 4, 2020 5:49 PM CST)
YOU KNOW NEITHER THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH NOR THE LIE wave good bye final chasm i wish to be forgotten with art ART NOW SHOULD EVAPORATE AS SOON AS IT LEAVES ME HAND YES it dissipates expanding out away there is no time like this time we must be truthful in the face of truth of what we say some reward across a universe expanding and dissipating we are the troubled hooves of a horse lost in the woods 70,000,000 + votes for Biden and 69,000,000 + for ______ and its _____’s supporters are being disenfranchised as last time gone electoral gut to punch really lost no vote counts but all votes matter BLEAK LIVES MATTER and now November 4th there’s 100,000 covid cases in US alone an well “That’s all I hear about now. Turn on television, ‘Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid,'” Trump said at a rally in Lumberton, North Carolina on Oct. 24. “By the way, on November 4, you won’t hear about it anymore.” 100,000+ cases in one day on November 4th is still heard being the loud volume of DIS-EASE the secret wishing will not extinguish the virus the willful disease the wish of death by wishing for
Day 234,876 (November 5, 2020 6:54 pm CST)
A secret pact of between my absent crowd huddled in the quiet we hope round of making resistant to intrusion injury
My 7 female friends my 3 male friends the stories are lactated
Felt as passive quieting charred felt pieces my own bath quiet nothing is that true STAY WE HAVE STORIES TO EAT plagues don’t rage as thunder but quiet pull the life away and anchored in the field strategy my thou work is solvent
Salute! Away from them now them for the future of away from is that future in your hands no just a glass tell me a story to while the time narrative of the fidgets through the scare
Day 235,988 (November 6, 2020. 6:03 PM CST)
Also the world also is America holding the world hostage 49,195,581 world wide cases and the US is responsible for 9,715,652 1,241,031 deaths and the US 235,988. Is not numerology you wont find the magic kabbalah figures in that that prediction is only more death and boredom MEMORY IS STORED IN THE ENVIRONMENT you don’t get to own that it isn’t yours to get I BEGIN TO WEARY OF THIS MOTIF what stumble do we miss what fingers are inclined wait through wade on I’d hate to disappoint you
Don't take me alive Got a case of dynamite I could hold out here all night
What can you tolerate how does one gauge such tolerance the endless torture is what hum is is boredom torture can torture be boring
Day 236,856 (November 7, 2020. 4:50 PM CST)
Portrayal of normalcy a museum of normalcy what we remember as being normalMEMORY IS LOCATED IN THE ENVIRONMENT to compose our past with indented furniture invented serviture or lies lack of lithesome wee billy build the forest of failing leaves oh ghost one gone now the election of biden interrupts such walking towards thimblism I’D GIVE YOU A HUG but the risks are too high who’s a vaccine and whose worry is that bumps we remain indentured to the plague for making the curves we bleed through
Day 237,488 (November 8, 2020 3:52 PM CST)
Get it over with. With./ the secret is in the America that is pasted over with resignation American do! Or american’t that spirit haven’t seen that spirit her since 1969 is your ghost now you do the absurd as if its serious that levitation trick of the pentagon that was a joke but there you are laying hands on ballot counting offices a plague and epidemic of ignorance is that sympathetic magic the fetish of it feel like America its America the shape but not the content DIS-EASE as some orgy of DIS-EASE and unease and some collective ecstasy of release from DIONYSUS IN 69 NOW 2020
Ecstasy of abuse in the halls of the museum of normality
